"Zebulon - Coastal & Colonial"
7 Zebulon Place, Palm Coast
Friday & Saturday 11/9/18 & 11/10/18 from 9am - 2pm
(Palm Coast Parkway, Belle Terre Parkway S, Zebulahs Trail, Zebulon Place)
Please be courteous and park as directed by Parking Monitor.
House Inquiries: Amanda Finn, Trademark Realty (386) 931-3667
Contents Inquiries: Diana Minotti (386) 237-3233
Living Room: Plantation Sofa, Shutter Entertainment Armoire, Oak Bentwood Coffee, Foyer & Pair End Tables, LOADED Lamps, LOADED Art, Rugs
Dining Room: Maple Drop Leaf Table, Hutch w Braceback Windsor Chairs
Family Room: Sleeper Sofa, Cherry Coffee & Pair End Tables, Pair Lamps, Rug, Art
Kitchen: White Wash Oak Laminate Dinette w 4 Chairs Casters, Antique & Vintage Kitchenware, Meal Maker Express, Electric Roaster, Pots/Pans, Microwave Stand
Master: Mid Century King Headboard, Cameo Sofa
Guest: Maple Bed, Night, Tall Chest, Dresser/Mirror, Antique Children Rocker, Rush Hamper,
Guest: Walnut Laminate Corner Desk, Chair, Bookcase, File Cabinet Putty Metal 4 Drawer, Printer, Office Supplies, Vizio Flat Screen 27,
Garage: Mini Vac, Gas Cans, Electric: Blower, Drill, Jigsaw, Air Tools, Pro Duty Power Painter, Air Compressor, Generator, Spreader, MDF White Shelves, PVC Shelves, Folding Table, Cabinet, Fishing Reels, Bikes
Terms: Cash & Credit Cards. As Is, Where Is. All Sales Final. Deposits Non-Refundable. Delivery Available. Gift Certificates Available. No Pets (Service Dogs Only). You Break It You Bought it.